The Nature Of Things

As with all things in nature in our lives, there are cycles. Cycles represent the opportunity for completion, beginnings, hope, growth, and newness. There is never complacency in the natural order of things; every event is for the betterment of the whole and comes with renewed hope for an even better future. Nature is defined as “The phenomena of the physical world collectively” we humans would be represented in the “nature of things.”
With the winter solstice, a new solar cycle begins—a time when the Earth is silent. In Latin, solstice means “sun and sistere,” meaning to make a stand. As a most powerful point of the year, the axis of the Earth pauses, shifts, and moves in the opposite direction, and for three days around the solstice, we experience that pause or standstill. This shift is a powerful example to us within “the nature of things.”
“The nature of things,” tells us that there is light ahead but for now to rest in the quiet peace of darkness. It’s essential to embrace the experience of the dark, allowing ourselves to feel our emotions and harnessing the power of those feelings and emotions to guide us forward into the light. There is personal power in feeling our emotions as a tool for transformation. Our personal growth cycles are linked to the natural cycles, and winter is a time for going inward to gain introspection and focus on our personal goals. The stillness of winter is perfect for gaining momentum in visualizing our desires and moving in the direction of the brighter rays of spring. Taking time to honor and appreciate endings and new beginnings allows us to pause in quiet reflection as we come together in community, prepare for and make room for the newness of the coming year.
With “the nature of things,” the quietness of winter turns up the volume on our intuition; it is time to trust and focus on what we “feel.” Using that inner peace and clarity at this vital time helps us to make choices based on what our soul is telling us. Leaving behind the struggles of the past, we can look forward to our future with faith, love, and hope. Winter can be a time to redefine ourselves with the awareness of what we want in our lives and shift in that direction.

Rituals found and experienced throughout history serve as an act of strengthening our action and establishing confidence on the ceremonial bridge of passing. As a winter ritual for reflection and transforming the inner darkness into the renewed light, ask yourself the following questions.

What am I struggling right now with…… ?
My fears hold me back from…….?
The old me is constantly…….?
Any additional journaling you may want to add.

Now harness the energy of the winter by moving from the dark into the light. Light a white candle. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, ask to be released from the past and see all that no longer serves you in the highest way going into the flame of the candle.

Next, ask yourself the following questions.
What does my intuition tell me in this situation………..?
I will honor myself by……….?
The new me is going to………..?
Any other journaling you may want to add.

Now ask the highest light to surround you and guide you in the direction of wisdom, peace, and compassion for all you envision in your life with gratitude for the darkness and the light, then with conviction and confidence, blow out the candle.

You are the light!

XO Donna