Science Fiction Or Possibility?

Have you ever stopped to consider what we are doing when we pray, express our congratulations, or give get-well wishes to someone? With our intention, we put out a signal at a frequency carried on a wave of energy.
Everything is carried on a frequency because everything is vibrating. If I said something not so nice to you," you're ugly," the frequency of that vibration is much lower than if I said, "you're beautiful." The energy generating a feeling in those words is being exchanged, and words have the potential to be realized in entirely different ways because of the vibration they are carried on. All things on a quantum level are vibrating light particles that collapse into vibrating atoms. Energy is a wave, and when directed by intention, that wave collapses into a particle that becomes matter, that is you and me and the chair you're sitting on. All of this may sound very science fiction, right? 
But, If we only stick to what we've learned, then that becomes all we know. 

What happens when you don't like the music or the television show you're watching? You change the frequency by changing the channel. This is the same concept but normalized, and even though we aren't seeing it happen, something is changing. The same happens every time you use your cell phone, operate a microwave oven, or turn on the electricity in your home; we are changing up the structure of the atoms. I get that if we can't see it, we question how it is happening. I, too, like understanding and visualizing how things work. We are utilizing light and sound energy in practical ways throughout life and in medicine, every minute of each day, and the information FEILD is the way of the future. Many of us, however, are still behind in conceptualizing how the quantum world works because it's not a simple concept, and I get it! 

The physical, three-dimensional world and the world of energy are two different spaces; in one, energy is a wave, and in the other are those waves condensed into matter as we know it. We can see the physical, and that's what we've learned; it's hard to conceptualize a world we can't see that functions with different principles. The two are in the same world; we just see them differently.

Quantum mechanics tells us that all possibility exists in the form of a wave. We know energy flows on various frequencies such as water becoming, ice, or condensing into gas, the same atoms at different speeds and different possibilities. When energy is slowed down into matter, it is at a much lower frequency. When the "thinking about something" is directed by intention, we begin to collapse those energy waves into particles or matter, you, me, our pets, and all the things that physically surround us. The extra cool aspect of energy is that it's not limited to just the physical, it is truly mind, body, emotions, senses, and soul. Still, a complex concept to grasp; I get it, but I invite you to come outside the realm of the physical world into the expanded world of all possibility; stay with me. Anything becomes possible in the world of all possibility; we can direct energy to our benefit (manifesting) with our intention from the matching frequency. 

Remember watching Star Trek and watching them teleport through time? We may not be just yet to that level of understanding of how to direct energy in that way still, but by thinking outside the boundaries of space and time, we can start to see how, in a nonlinear fashion, a quantum world is a place of many possibilities. 

Travel further with me into the energy realm and imagine that you can direct energy through your intention to manifest the relationship of your dreams, the job you're seeking, or the health and vigor you once had. I believe that is entirely possible, and it happens every day. We call willing it into being or answered prayers or good luck. The missing component in this alchemic process is that the intention has to come from the same frequency of what you are trying to manifest. We have to be in resonance (synchronous vibration) with what we try to collapse into matter. So it will be a struggle if you're trying to manifest a new, higher, paying, more fulfilling job from a frequency of despair and frustration with your current job. Like attracts like.

One way of thinking about this in terms of practical application is to imagine what life would be like if my manifestation or wish came to be. Now, feel into the emotions, the feelings of your realized desire as though it's already happened. Now you're resonating with the correct frequency. To take it only one step further while resonating in the vibration of your elevated emotions and truly feeling them, you then broadcast with your intention what you want to manifest by simply thinking about it. 
Soon, without de-escalating into the worry of when it will happen, you remain open, allowing the universal energy world to draw it to you. 

A couple of years back, I became curious about bio-resonance or biophysics of the body and a tool called the "Healy."  This tool contains software-specific frequency technology for being in resonance with ideal lifestyle frequencies. If every cell in the body resonates at a particular frequency, similar to tuning a musical instrument, we can entrain groups of cells to resonate at desired unique frequency patterns. What that means is they are captured programmed frequencies calibrated to resonate with one's unique energy signature intriguing, right? Science fiction, maybe, but I don't think so entirely. We have been using energy technology for a while now. Energy is a very fluid and safe practice that doesn't interfere with conventional medicine and is suitable for every life form. Science is what we know; until we expand what it is, we know.  (Curious? Ask Me More About The Healy)

The true power behind this universal gift is understanding how we direct our imagination. Too often, we use our imagination and direct energy toward what we lack or worry about fueling it even more. Become aware of those thoughts; "I am aware that I would appreciate this," or "I am aware of the worry around this." Where am I directing my energy? ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT! 

What if I told you that it's not science fiction but science at a higher level of wisdom? What if we could go beyond the boundaryless possibility of energy resonance to live in the frequency of less pain, stress, healthier circulation, better sleep,  more cognitive clarity, higher creativity, easier learning, a partner, a new home/job, nicer skin, and well-being? The list is infinite.
No, I don't know Captain Kirk, but I know from personal experience that all things are possible when stretching our boundaries of possibility into the quantum world.

Beam Me Up Scotty!
XO Donna