The Future Is Here

This morning upon waking and after the regular, let’s say, more modestly discreet necessities, I made my way to the kitchen and instructed the coffee maker to initiate its morning thing, followed by next peeking at the thermostat and adjusting it a few digits for the chilliness, then peeked at my phone for any overnight urgencies. From there, my day will repeat a regular cycle of incorporated technology elements.  Life in the modern world provides endless convenience for things dependent on energy and frequency information. Without energy and frequency, none of these conveniences would be possible.

Everything in our world is energy and frequency, every bit of us, our pets, the coffee we drink, and the mug we drink it from. But what does that mean? If we could see through the most powerful microscope and reduce a cell to its smaller particles, we would see molecules made up of atoms made up of light energy particles in constant vibration. In the human body, every cell and organ has its own distinctive oscillation frequency, a critical biological function for the body to perform things like repairing cells, absorbing oxygen, and replicating DNA. It is said that the body processes a trillion frequencies a second. Like a machine, the body is a miraculous construct of many moving parts that must work together with the correct information to perform best. To put energy and frequency into further perspective and in plain language, we must consider how we use energy and frequency every day in the many ways we may not have even considered. This morning, my coffee pot, thermostat, and cell phone all relied on the information in an energy source. When we plug something into an outlet, information traveling on a wave is directed to serve the coffee pot, thermostat, and cell phone. If either had been given the wrong information, my coffee pot may have been blown up, and my cell phone wouldn't have had a connection to the internet. To demonstrate this further, another example of how energy functions on a frequency is If I choose to tune in to a television program this evening, my television has to receive energy with the exact frequency (information) to tune in to my desired programming when I change the channel I am changing the frequency or directing the information differently. The same applies to our cell phones; if I am trying to call you and not my mother, I must select a number to send a specific frequency. Every single atom vibrates on an ideal signature frequency. Using the cell phone again as an example, if I am trying to call you, I have to choose the ideal frequency to get you, and anything other is not ideal, and I would be reaching someone else entirely, tuning into their frequency. 

Okay, you're thinking enough already with the science lesson, and what does this have to do with me? I am about to tell you! I like to use the analogy of our mechanics compared to a modern-day computer. Think of our bodies as the housing or computer hard drive. The software contains data and programs the consciousness. The programs are our experiences and acquired beliefs contained within the software. The operating system coordinates the hard drive and software, mind and body. And the user (you) is storing and processing several programs simultaneously. This provides a rather holistic view of our machine's function. This machine requires ideal operating frequencies, mind, and body. Albert Einstein said, “the future of medicine is frequency” The exciting news is that the future is here; we are already using energy frequency in the form of CT scans, EKGs, MRIs Ultrasound. When energy oscillations occur in injury, diet, stress, aging, or lifestyle, it disrupts the body's biological function. In time, the wrong information to the body can bring about fatigue, depression, illness, and disease. The goal is to re-educate frequencies that have begun incorrectly due to life’s exposures aligning them back to the known found frequencies, much like tuning a piano or string instrument cells like mini cell phones want to resonant at their known frequency for better functioning. An out-of-tune instrument will still function by making a sound; its ideal sound comes from tuning it. Bio-resonance is much like tuning that string instrument.

Bio-resonance technology is a unique educational and wellness support tool based on years of studying and gathering optimal frequencies for health. It communicates with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to identify the body areas that may be out of energetic balance. By identifying and optimizing with energetic adjustments informing us of potential lifestyle changes well ahead of the cellular downgrade, you can restore homeostasis or balance in the body. This is done with Bio-resonance scanning and optimizing (tuning) is a non-invasive complementary health tool in integrative wellness. The benefits are many, including early prevention and clues to help identify current and potential health issues. The correct frequencies can strengthen the immune system and support current physical and emotional challenges. I am excited to share with you AO Scan technology. It supports my family and me, and now after 3 phases of training, I want to share the benefits of scanning with you. With the AO Scan, we can follow trends that can help you follow and connect the dots that support a larger picture of health, shedding light that is sharable with your primary care provider. This comprehensive system can identify viral, bacterial, parasitic, and pathogens, amongst many other frequencies. This is not a diagnostic device but an educational tool highlighting the energetic qualities supporting your health. The AO Scan provides body systems, organs, bones, nerves, muscles, and tissue, and all the optimizing (resetting) frequencies are just as exciting as the scanner's capability to imprint (broadcast) from more than 650 optimal frequencies to objects, people, and pets.The AO Scan Bio-frequency technology can be done remotely or in person. If you are intrigued by this amazing technology but still can’t quite wrap your head around the concept and how it can help you, then I invite you to an introductory session so you learn more and see for yourself how Bio-frequency scanning can help you!

Today the next time you turn on a light or use your computer think about how behind the operation is a set of instructions that are energy particles carried on a wave at a particular vibrational frequency providing information that makes it all possible. And think about how everything, and I mean everything, including you, operates in the same way. Let’s get you scanning!

Stay Well

XO Donna