To Everything, There Is A Season

Happy Spring!
For several years, I lived in the desert South West. There are only two seasons in Phoenix, Az: hot and a little less hot. Being a Maryland then Idaho transplant, I missed the four distinct seasons. In reality, even when there seems not to be a change of seasons, a cycle is still occurring. There’s a constant renewal of life happening all around us. There is a rhythm and cycle to everything in life; when we sit with the purpose of it all, a comfort, appreciation, and meaning can be extracted from the fluid ever changing balance.

Everything in life is a reflection of nature's seasons. Like the ongoing transformation occurring on Earth, we, as a part of that follow similar patterns throughout our lifetime. After the sleepy hibernation of winter, in the Spring, we are well rested and refreshed; we welcome a renewed sense of life energy that is taking place among the plants and animal kingdom and we, too, experience that renewed approach to life. We are energetically charged at the breath of new life and a fresh spirit. Spring is a great time to embrace a new outlook, a birth, or a new beginning. Spring cleaning removes the cobwebs and staleness and refreshes us so we can start anew.

As the sun intensifies and we move into the summer or season of abundance, we can witness the growth and appreciate the fruitfulness that this season's energy provides. Now is the time we work hard, tend the garden of life and proudly embrace, reap and enjoy the fruits of our hard labor.

As temperatures become cooler in the Autumn of life and fruitful gardens begin to wither, we are reminded that we’ve worked hard and we can now begin to slow down. In this less vibrant season, we are keenly aware of the abundance for which we feel gratitude.

In the coldest and darkest season of Winter, it is a time to rest but not to become idle. This can be a time or permission to go inward and reflect. We can become re-energize while we make the necessary adjustments for the next season's crop.

The four seasons are very metaphoric for the seasons of life. We are born, we work hard, we slow down with an appreciated reward, and well, then we rest and become new again. I couldn’t help but hear over and over in my head while creating this post the 1965 BYRD’s song called “Turn, Turn, Turn,” “There is a season turn, turn, turn, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.” We live a full seasonal cycle each year and many yearly cycles within the life cycle. With Springs's arrival, I felt refreshed as I walked the trail today noticing all of Earth’s baby sprouting. With each crisp fresh breath, I was grateful for the renewed sense of life and reminded that there is joy and purpose in the seasonal opportunity for change and new beginnings; nothing is ever stagnant, only resting and resetting.

Stay well and be happy!
XO Donna