The Tradition Of New Beginnings

As the calendar flips to a new year, millions of people around the globe engage in a time-honored tradition: yep you guessed it, we set the New Year’s resolution. Yet despite the best of intentions, a large majority of us find ourselves straying from our goals. The practice of setting New Year’s resolutions is rooted in the idea of new beginnings. The new year symbolizes a fresh start, a blank slate that presents an opportunity for personal improvement with our self-care and change. Some common resolutions include losing weight, exercising more, learning a new skill, or saving money the list goes on.

Psychologically, the new year is felt as a powerful landmark. It’s a natural point for us to reflect on our past and decide to make positive changes. This fresh start idea can be motivating, creating a sense of optimism and possibility. But, then comes soon after the decline in motivation. The initial excitement and motivation can wane over time. As the routine of daily life sets in, the enthusiasm often diminishes. Another pitfall may be that we set unrealistic goals that are too ambitious or vague. Without a clear, achievable plan, resolutions become daunting and easy to abandon. Sometimes resolutions are influenced by societal trends or peer pressure rather than a real personal desire, and that just leads to a lack of personal commitment.

If we choose to embark on this annual ritual, it’s important to approach New Year’s resolutions or (intentions) with a blend of optimism and realism to better prepare us for achievable meaningful change. Here are a few strategies for a successful start as well as some lucky numbers to get ya motivated! 

  1. Setting (SMART Goals), Goals should be SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHEIVABLE, RELEVANT, and TIME-Bound. This framework helps in creating more realistic and attainable resolutions.

  2. Build a support system, Sharing your goals with friends or family can provide a support network that keeps each other accountable and motivated.

  3. Embrace small wins, Celebrating small achievements can maintain motivation and encourage persistence.

Numerological repetition in this New Year is especially motivating because we have the powerful significance of 123123. Repetitions in numerology often symbolize amplified energy. (12/31/23) is 123-123 repeated twice suggesting a doubling of its vibrational essence, enhancing its influence and power! The sequence 123 represents a natural progression or the steps of an ongoing process. It symbolizes growth, evolution, and development. This sequence is often associated with forward momentum in life, learning experiences, and the journey toward self-improvement. This sequence won’t happen again for another 100 years.

  1. Number 1, the first in any series, number 1 in numerology represents leadership, independence, and the pursuit of new ventures. It’s about beginnings and taking the Initiative.

  2. Number 2, This number resonates with balance, harmony, and partnership. It signifies cooperation, diplomacy, and relationships.

  3. Number 3, Often linked with creativity and communication, number 3 brings joyful, optimistic energy. It encourages expression, social interaction, and inspiration.

The combined message when we look at 123123 as a whole, tells a story of starting with a fresh perspective (1). Building and maintaining harmonious relationships (2), and expressing oneself creatively (3). Then, the sequence repeats, suggesting a continuous cycle of growth and learning. Universally, this number is a reminder that life is a continuous cycle of learning, and evolving where each step of every day is important to our overall growth. On a personal level, seeing this number repeatedly might be a sign to pay attention to these areas of growth in your life. 

The tradition of New Year’s resolutions is a testament to our desire for self-improvement and growth. 123123 isn’t just a random sequence but a meaningful call to action in the language of numerology. It highlights the importance of progression, balance, and creative expression in our journey. It calls us to start new projects, build meaningful connections, and express ourselves authentically all as an ongoing part of our life’s journey. Whether you find personal meaning in this number or view it as an interesting aspect of numerological theory, 123123 serves as a reminder of the intricate and often mysterious ways numbers can reflect our life paths and choices. Always remember that the success of any resolution or (intention) is not just in the outcome, but also in the journey and the many lessons learned along the way. 

Here's To A Year Of Health, Happiness, and Self Discovery!
XO Donna