The Light In You Is The Light In Me

I thought in this blog post I would share more about and clarify some of the basic points of Reiki. Most of us have heard of the word Reiki by now, some are very familiar with it and some are like” what the heck is this mystical word Reiki?” The Japanese term Rei meaning the divine, natural, or holy spirit, depending on your belief system and Ki translates as vital energy. A translation over time has developed into “The Vital Life Force” It is the understanding that at the basis of all things is the source of higher connectedness through a divine energy field. WE ARE ELECTRICAL BEINGS. Reiki has come to be a very common complementary modality to many of the touch therapies within the spa and holistic industry. But, as we have gained a higher awareness within the western world of medicine it is much more common to see it also offered in hospitals across North America. It is used in operating rooms, with pre and post-surgery, to complement traditional medicine not replace. Reiki is one of many such energy medicine based modalities that are being used every day to empower us to take back some control over our own sense of higher healing. The word “healing” is often misunderstood as taking the place of traditional medicine or to make well. What it actually means is to help make whole. With that understanding, Reiki energy works in harmony with all other forms of healing, including drugs, surgery, psychological care or any other method of alternative care and will improve the results. Reiki has had a positive effect on all forms of illness and negative conditions such as minor things like headaches or colds, stomach aches, flu, tension, and anxiety. In some cases, it can aid in more serious illness like heart disease, and cancer, along with the side effects of regular medical treatments. This includes the negative effects of chemotherapy, post-operative pain, and depression as well as improving the healing rate and reducing the time needed to stay in the hospital. 

Anyone can give Reiki and Reiki themselves and their family members and pets. It is not taught in the usual way something is taught. The ability to do Reiki is simply transferred from the teacher to the student through a process called an attunement that takes place during a Reiki class. As soon as one receives an attunement, they have the ability to do Reiki. Reiki attunements are given by a Reiki Master. The attunement energies will flow through the Reiki Master and into the student. These special energies are guided by the Higher Power and make adjustments in the student's energy pathways and connect the student to the source. All sounds very mystical but in reality, what’s happening is that the energy adjusts itself to be exactly right for each student. Basically opening up energy pathways for the student to be able to pass along energy more effectively. And the greatest part is that it all requires very little understanding only to have the intention to lovingly hold space and act as a conduit or extension cord of the life force energy. The higher intelligence of light knows exactly where to go. Remember we are all connected through this universal energy field. As this knowledge has made it's way further west science has been on board and through Quantum Physics it is now scientifically a fact that this universal field is indeed a real thing, this is the field that connects us to each other and all there is.

Receiving a Reiki treatment involves simply relaxing. Reiki energy flows through the practitioner before leaving the hands and flowing into the client. Because of this, the practitioner receives a treatment also. With a Reiki level 1 attunement you can self Reiki, it’s simply opening up to allow in the light as well as share healing energy with family, pets, plants, the food you eat, etc. 

Reiki, fortunately, today has become much more common and accessible. A simple google search will lead you to practitioners in your area. I encourage you to experience it, allow it, and maybe even learn more about Reiki and making it a part of your self-care for you and your loved ones. 

For more information on Reiki treatments and practicing and 
 how you can acquire your level 1 attunement to make Reiki
a part of your self-care and care for your family, contact Donna at
