It's Not Brain Science

It’s not brain science or is it? If you spend time thinking about why is it that I can’t identify my passionate purpose, it may be that the inability to be in touch with your passion and purpose is because you are thinking more about it than allowing your heart to reveal your passion and purpose. Our brains are an excellent ally but not the truest sense of our higher wisdom. When we can turn down the volume of the brain's constant chatter and tune in more clearly to the heart’s frequency for that guidance we can more effectively explore our deepest desires and now we're getting somewhere. Have you heard it said, “I know it’s the right thing, I feel in my heart?”

Science tells us that when we are experiencing stress on some level the input from the heart is not able to be distributed properly into all areas of the body including the brain. The distribution of electrical activity is impaired as it becomes held up at the thalamus gland responsible for that electrical distribution; our brains essentially go offline. When that distribution center (thalamus) goes offline we lose our ability to have foresight, to set goals, and use discretion. When we can practice stronger stress resiliency we become more empowered by the guidance of the heart and back online and in touch with our intuitive, creative nature and optimal functioning of the heart’s strong ally the brain. 

When our heart and brain are in alignment our operating system can provide not only stronger physical biology and immunity but can direct us toward our passionate purpose. Science and wisdom can both teach us. Wisdom continues to teach us how to be guided by the heart’s intelligence and now science shows us how that guidance of the heart combined with its ally the brain can be a powerful dynamic duo! Passion and purpose are less in our heads and discovered more in our hearts. What is it that you want to bring some clarity to? Find a moment to accommodate an opportunity for the heart to guide you in gaining some needed insight toward your passion. Slow down your breathing, telling your body that all is well, and invite in a feeling (not just the thought) associated with gratitude or appreciation, a loved one, a pet, or your favorite place in the world, whatever that is for you. This brings your optimal operating system back online; next, ask your questions that you're seeking guidance on and allow yourself to utilize a higher sense of discernment. Practice this tool often and you’ll become more proficient at it and your health, and life choices will be happy you did.

“An extraordinary life is all about daily continuous improvement in the areas that matter most”

-Hal Elrod-The Morning Miracle

Go ahead, it’s okay to be a wise science geek!

XO Donna
