The Institute For Higher Learning

What if after nine months in utero, we enter into this human experience with a beautiful open, strongly tethered spirit? We are ushered in with a lesson plan and a DNA design programmed for growth and karmic resolve. Accepting this challenge provides us with many opportunities to expand or contract spiritually.

Through a period of acclimation, we remain open as we begin to initiate our presence in life's university, shifting into a frequency that accommodates this assignment we slowly release from the safe hand of our guiding light. Our experience continually reveals itself with its many small, medium, and immense growth assignments. Resistance is a nudge that it's time for a new study. Our acceptance into this institute of higher learning requires that we experience our lessons, and growing pains, expanding or contracting.

However, there can be comfort in knowing that we didn't accept this assignment without the guidance of the most experienced and supportive administrative assistance available to us 24/7. This spiritual guidance has complete faith in our success and will continue to passively accommodate these growth assignments; stepping back unless called upon, giving us the freedom to decide whether to grow through them or forfeit the opportunity for expansion.

Working through the growing pains can be tremendously challenging; Finding the strength to shed the unnecessary and step into an expansiveness that highlights who we are and take ownership of this radiant light. Our study partners are assigned to bring us support for a required assignment and its potential to bring us growth and knowledge. As sparks of this radiant light, we all attend class together; It's not all work and no play here at the institute; there is much reward in completing an assignment and the peace experienced within the wisdom earned.

Some will have chosen to attend the institute longer than others for all of us; it is but an instant. We know we've been here before and that our growth requires that we will visit again. Graduating from the school of hard knocks is an exceptional privilege. Our assignment is complete with some knowledge gained, and then we return home for reflection into the enthusiastic, welcoming spiritual arms of guiding light, what if?

Much love study partner,

XO Donna

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