Common Sense

Common sense tells us that we are a part of a bigger picture, and just because we don't see something happening around us doesn't necessarily mean it's not happening. Generally, in everyday life, we are not considering the intricacy of the inner connection of everything. Our common senses connect us to "All There Is." down a road less traveled. Years ago, I was introduced to that intricacy when I started in the spa industry. I began to become aware of my heightened energetic sensitivity through touch as I worked with clients. I became really curious about what was happening. I knew that I had always been sensitive but what I was experiencing now was different. My senses were waking up and revealing themselves. I started to explore, learn and understand from an energetic perspective what was happening. What happened was that I became less fearful as I understood more about my expansive senses and became excited about this amazing energetic world I lived within and all the extraordinary possibilities. As I evolved, I further grew in a way that helped me build boundaries around it all and onboard this sensory system, and open more to everyday energy in a very empowering way. 


I believe our senses function within a world of energy, which connects us to all living things. The exciting and empowering part is that energy isn't contained and doesn't operate by the rules, limitations, and boundaries of three dimensions. When we expand our senses beyond the basic rules of the physical world into the quantum realm, a bigger picture can present itself as a powerful navigation source and possibility. Traditionally we've learned to fear expansive thinking and feeling, and the word quantum gives some a headache! Often people think intuition is a spiritual thing, that you have to be a spiritual person to be intuitive. In my experience, the opposite was true. The more I learned about and developed my intuitive self, the more plugged into I became with what I call "All There Is," This is when I became more spiritual flowing with a broader connection to the beauty and joy in life. Every one of us arrived with a sensory system, our shared common senses.  We came equipped with an intuitive GPS; some of us have developed it more with practice, and like anything else, the more we practice, the better we become at our tool. 


The goal of expanding our intuition is to be guided by helpful information. The best guidance comes from pairing information with intuition. Intuition is having access to the wisdom coming from something larger than you and me.

Turning down the noise of life so we can crank up the volume on this guidance is where we start if we want to onboard the various options of this operating system. Some might say that meditation is how we fully access our GPS. I don't necessarily agree with that entirely; I think it is a helpful tool to practice being in touch with our senses and quieting the external noise. Meditation helps to center us and puts us in the flow of fuller access as we move about life more present, centered, and grounded. Meditation is a practice that conditions us to stay in the frequency range of a higher volume as we move about the ordinary tasks of life. But some aren't very good at it or don't like to meditate, and I believe there are different strokes for different folks. Exploring what grounds you regularly in the busy noise of life is the more helpful aspect of discovery. 


There are many ways our intuition speaks to us, I'll beit it may seem like a different language, and it often is. We are being guided through our senses regularly, but one or more may be stronger for each of us. Notice which of the following may be a more extended version for you.

The following may help you open up to exploring more about your expansive sensory system. 

"CLAIR", in French, means "CLEAR". We are seeing, hearing, and feeling more clearly, using your senses expansively.

Clairaudience is an expansive sense of hearing; it may seem like you hear non-audible words, phrases, voices, or songs in your mind.

Clairvoyance is an expansive sense of seeing images or scenes that may appear in your mind and often as a metaphor.

Clairsentience is an expansive way of feeling, like a gut instinct. "I just have a feeling about this." this is the most commonly shared clear sense. 

Claircognizance is an expansive knowing you confidently know. Often I think of this as a mother bear instinct.

Clairtangency is an expansive knowing through touch. This was what I referred to when I said sensitive through contact. Through contact, I would have other senses fire off. I may get words or images presenting a bigger picture further validate.
Look, listen, and feel the energetic information field that it is flowing in and around us constantly. Becoming aware of your stronger senses will open up your awareness of the others. 


Our GPS is always engaged and guides us in many ways, such as noticing recurring symbols, colors, numbers, animals, hearts, etc., perhaps validating something for us at a necessary time. Become aware of the times when you may be more open to receiving. For me, it's early in the morning upon awakening. For others, it may be while dreaming, at a stop light, or doing chores like vacuuming. When our mind is quiet, things can drop into our consciousness. Our body often signals us to tune in and pay attention. Information comes to us through our guts, heart, and brain. You may experience tingling, or a racing heart, temperature changes, pay attention to your bodily sensations. We have all experienced meeting someone and having a "gut sense of them," Or you feel in your heart that "something is the right thing to do." Our bodies give us many clues, but the brain often wants to override them. Our heart puts off and receives an energetic range of about three feet, and it is believed that energetic signals (information) enter through the heart field and then travel to the brain. Our life's journey made of learned and projected beliefs can cloud the incoming guidance as the ego wants to be the boss. The brain is a necessary part of the process as a tool, but be aware of getting into too much thought flow around what your body is saying. Practice and become aware of all that is happening around you. Using your body's high-speed intelligence system is faster than the mind can perceive and bypasses standard thought processes, but it is ever so subtle and is constantly occurring. Practice using your GPS in the following fun ways.

  1. Guess who is calling the next time your phone rings.

  2. Guess if it is male or female next time the elevator opens.

  3. Guess how your favorite program or book ends.

  4. Guess which way the car in front of you is turning next.

  5. Ask yourself, does this feel like the right thing to do?

  6. Notice how things feel in your body when you have a hunch.

  7. Start noticing recurring symbols.

  8. Keep a dream journal.

  9. Close your eyes and just listen

  10. Finally,

a. Ground yourself with a couple of breaths connecting with your heart.

b. Set the intention to plug in and receive guidance. 

c. Ask the question.

d. Let go, and without attachment, wait for it. It is important to remember not to have expectations of how or when you'll get the answer, to keep the ego out of things, and to remain open to symbols, metaphors, songs, nature, dreams, and timing. You'll know when something hits you, and you'll say, "ah....I hear you intuition."  
Have Fun Exploring Your Tools!
XO Donna